SQLsmith  v1.2.1-5-gfacd7a8
A random SQL query generator
All Classes Files Functions Variables
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 dump.hhDump syntax trees as GraphML
 dut.hhBase class for device under test
 expr.hhGrammar: Value expression productions
 grammar.hhGrammar: Top-level and unsorted grammar productions
 impedance.hhFeedback to the grammar about failed productions
 monetdb.hhSchema and dut classes for MonetDB
 postgres.hhSchema and dut classes for PostgreSQL
 prod.ccBase class for grammar productions
 prod.hhBase class for grammar productions
 relmodel.hhSupporting classes for the grammar
 schema.hhBase class providing schema information to grammar
 sqlite.hhSchema and dut classes for SQLite 3